Tundu Lissu, the challenger to incumbent John Magufuli in Tanzania’s recent elections, has gone into exile in Europe. Lissu sought refuge at the German ambassador’s residence last week after he claimed that death threats had been made against him, and left for Belgium this week.

In the election held at the end of last month Magufuli won 84% of the vote, with Lissu coming second with 13%. In the previous elections held in 2015 Magufuli had won less than 60% of the vote.

A number of international observers were critical of last month’s elections, with allegations of harassment and intimidation, before, during, and after the elections.

Lissu said that assistance from the American, German, and Belgian governments had seen him given permission by the Tanzanian government to leave the country.

Said Lissu: ‘I am heading to Europe to continue our fight. Our country needs justice, freedom, and people’s development.’

Lissu previously spent three years in Belgium, only returning to Tanzania earlier this year, after surviving an assassination attempt in 2017. No suspects have been identified in that incident.

Since Magufuli came to power he has been criticized for stifling dissent and undermining democracy.

Image by David Peterson from Pixabay
