The most nauseating sight at the end of 2020 was the spectacle of the South African cricket team giving a clenched fist Black Power salute at the opening of the first Test match against Sri Lanka. It was an act of cringing surrender to the racist thugs of Black Lives Matter (BLM).

BLM doesn’t give a damn about the lives of ordinary black people, either in America or around the world. It cares nothing when innocent black people in Africa are slaughtered in their thousands by murderous black dictatorships; it cares nothing for the suffering of decent black Americans (the majority) in poor black communities; it mocks law-abiding black Americans who overcome their adversity by hard work and clean living. It only cares about white sin. When a minority of black criminals murder and rape and terrorise decent black people in the inner cities, BLM either looks the other way or glorifies the murderers and rapists. But if a white policeman should kill a black criminal, deliberately or accidentally, then suddenly black lives matter. Then they riot and loot through the inner cities, burning down black businesses, with the full approval of the Democratic Party and 90% of the American media, including the New York Times and CNN.

Why do we South Africans have to bow before these disgusting racists? Are we so spineless, so craven? I suppose our cricketers were warned by the authorities that if they didn’t grovel, they would never play for South Africa again. Being cowards, they decided to grovel. I am a coward too. In their position, I’d have groveled too.

It is important to look at what caused the recent resurgence of BLM. First, notice that it happened in the USA, where black Africans are richer than anywhere else in the world, including Africa. BLM did not start in Burundi in 1972 when about 300 000 black people of the majority race (Hutu) were killed in institutional racist slaughter by the ruling minority (Tutsi). It did not start in Zimbabwe in 1983, when Robert Mugabe ordered the institutional racist slaughter of over 20 000 black people in Matabeleland in Operation Gukurahundi. It started in the USA in May 2020 when one black criminal, George Floyd, was killed by a white policeman, who knelt on his neck until he died.

Floyd had previously been arrested nine times on drug and theft offences. In 2007 he was one of six men who broke into the house of a black woman, Aracely Henriquez, menaced her with guns, and demanded money, drugs, and jewellery. Floyd pointed a gun at her abdomen. Some sources allege she was pregnant at the time; others deny it. Either way, nobody from BLM or the New York Times gave a damn about her plight. If she had been pregnant and Floyd had shot her in the womb, killing her unborn black baby, neither BLM nor the New York Times would have bothered to report it. In the same way none of the world’s big media bothered to report on Mugabe’s death squads when his Shona killers ripped open the wombs of pregnant Ndebele women.

BLM not only cares nothing about the suffering of black people but it actively promotes policies that will make their plight worse. It opposes any policy that will make black people more prosperous and secure. In America, black people suffer from disproportionately high rates of poverty, crime and, above all, broken families. It is crucial to understand why. But BLM doesn’t want us to understand why. For example, in America, people of Asian descent (Chinese, Japanese etc.) do better than white people. They have higher IQs, do better at university, earn more, have fewer criminal convictions, and have a better family life than white people. Why? What does ‘Critical Race Theory’ say about this? What does BLM say about this? Nothing. They change the subject if you ask.

It has been shown over and over again that increased policing makes life safer for black Americans. The more police in the inner cities, the safer decent black people are. A recent poll showed that 81% of black Americans wanted either the same number of policemen or more policemen in their communities. BLM disagreed. BLM demanded that the government should “defund” the police. BLM wanted the police to be withdrawn so that black criminals such as George Floyd could terrorise black communities and loot black businesses. The Democrat elite agreed loudly (but became very quiet about this in the Presidential election).

I am not for a moment suggesting that I or any other law-abiding South African is morally superior to the cricket team. We are all moral coward. We now grovel before Reichsführer Cele, head of police, as he threatens brutal punishment for any decent person having a quiet glass of wine in a restaurant, but looks the other way while criminal gangs rampage through the townships, rape and kill, and burn the trucks upon which our commerce depends. He is terrified of violent criminals, and before them he grovels too.

The views of the writer are not necessarily the views of the Daily Friend or the IRR

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Andrew Kenny is a writer, an engineer and a classical liberal.