The Volusia County Sheriff’s Office claimed in an affidavit that during a police response to a report of a suspicious person, 42-year-old George Prosock resisted arrest and assaulted a police officer.  

Police said that when they responded to the call by a local resident, they observed a man, alleged to be Prosock, in a vehicle in the driveway of the caller’s house. He told police he was there to get a water hose to flush something out of his eye, and that he was looking for someone in the house called “Steve”, but police were told there was no such person at that address by the occupants of the house.  

Police checked his license and found that there was an arrest warrant out for him for being in the violation of pretrial release conditions. The police claim that they attempted to arrest Prosock at this point, but he refused to comply with the arrest. A scuffle ensued and eventually one of the police officers deployed a taser on Prosock.  

Prosock removed the taser probes from his body and then ran to his car, shutting the door. The police then noticed a woman in the passenger side of the car. Both occupants were ordered by police to leave the car, the woman complied but Prosock was tasered again when he refused and upon exiting the car was pepper sprayed. 

He then claimed to police that he was a ‘Special agent’ and that the woman in the passenger seat was his ‘queen’. Police pulled a firearm on him and he stopped resisting arrest.  

The woman in the passenger seat claimed Prosock was a meth addict.  
