Articles By This Author

Time to stop the state of disaster and amend the DMA


Earlier this week, Dr Nkosasana Dlamini-Zuma, minister of cooperative government and traditional affairs and the designated minister under the Disaster Management Act (DMA) of 2002,

EWC and the tilting of the courts in favour of the state


In September 2021 a new opinion poll commissioned by the IRR showed that only 5% of South Africans think land reform should be one of

More absurd claims about the EWC constitutional amendment bill


Now that the Constitutional Court has ruled that the local government election must be held between 27th October and 1st November 2021, parliamentary proceedings are

One day left to help kill the bill


Tomorrow is the deadline for public comment on proposed amendments to Section 25 (the property clause) of the Bill of Rights, as set out in

Damaging Constitutional Amendment Bill should be scrapped


The Draft Constitution Eighteenth Amendment Bill is so damaging that it must simply be abandoned. The sanctity of property rights should instead be strongly reaffirmed,

Lessons from the vaccine roll-out for the NHI


The government’s bungled and tardy Covid-19 vaccine roll-out has predictably led to an upsurge in infections, great suffering among the ill and isolated, and many

Confronting the real ‘power hierarchy’ barring SA’s upward mobility


In his snide critique of the IRR and other opponents of the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination (Pepuda) Amendment Bill (the Bill),

The NHI and ‘Blatant Elite Enrichment’


The National Health Insurance Bill of 2019 (the NHI Bill) is back before Parliament, for the National Assembly’s portfolio committee on health (the health committee)

Forty-five years after the Soweto Revolt, racism is not the problem


Yesterday marked the 45th anniversary of the start of the Soweto Revolt. Back then, on 16th June 1976, black South Africans faced pervasive racial discrimination

Compelling the ANC to listen to the people on EWC, land reform, racism, and the NDR


The ANC has always claimed a unique entitlement to act, speak, and rule on behalf of South Africa’s black majority. This arrogance, along with its