Articles By This Author

The colouring-in of tears


I sat down with a teacher the other day. She told me the story of how she was humiliated in front of her colleagues by

Are private schools being racialised surreptitiously?


The Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa (ISASA) is the largest and oldest association of independent schools in the Southern African region. It has over

Activist Teachers: the new priestly class?


Many parents will have become aware of a theory of social justice commonly known as Critical Social Justice (CSJ). However, many parents are unaware that

Lobola and abuse: is cultural sensitivity harming SA women?


‘Although the villagers had forgotten the ritual and lost the original black box, they still remembered to use stones.’ Shirley Jackson, The Lottery, 1948 At

Lived experience: A strange kind of truth


‘The Fremen were supreme in that quality the ancients called “spannungsbogen” – which is the self-imposed delay between the desire for a thing and the

Common purpose, social justice, and ambiguity


‘The rhetoric of hatred must be replaced with a call to action with common purpose.’ Branko Brkic, All we need is Hope, Daily Maverick (4

Common purpose, social justice, and ambiguity


‘The rhetoric of hatred must be replaced with a call to action with common purpose.’ Branko Brkic, All we need is Hope, Daily Maverick (4