Articles By This Author

DA derangement syndrome strikes SA media


No matter what the DA does or says, you can be sure a chorus of journalists will declare it to be racist, to seek a

In praise of smugglers


The Covid-19 lockdown provided opportunities for enterprising people to circumvent the often irrational bans on everything from can openers to cigarettes. By doing so, they

New regulations promise Apartheid-style censorship


Regulations are soon to be promulgated to give effect to the provisions of the Film and Publications Act, which was amended last year. It will

The tyranny of context-free numbers


Every day, we get an update on Covid-19 cases and deaths. Or we hear about police having confiscated this many items of contraband. Without context,

Eco-scaremongering: natural gas is ‘extremely flammable’


An environmental writer has got himself in a tizzy over the prospect that Eskom might contract floating, gas-fuelled ‘power ships’ to augment Eskom’s stuttering power

Stop patronising women


Each Women’s Day, the usual suspects go on about how terrible it is that women are victims of what they term ‘gender-based’ violence. Then they

The time for secession has arrived


South Africa is taking on water, and nobody is bailing. It’s time to choose: get in a life raft, or go down with the ship.

Covid-19 models are ‘Trojan horses for unstated interests and values’


South Africa’s epidemiological models have proven to be wildly inaccurate. A new commentary by international modellers explains why Covid-19 models are a poor basis for

Boeta Dippenaar is correct: all lives matter


The Black Lives Matter movement is about a lot more than its name implies. Even on the surface, however, its key premise is not supported

Booze ban: rule by diktat


With a wave of his presidential hand, the command was given: alcohol sales will once again be banned, with immediate effect. Minutes later, the new