

In No Uncertain Terms

Into the depths of a fiery hell - DEI in LA


Few places are immediately as confusing than Los Angeles, which is essentially a collection of 44 Hermanuses and 44 Hawstons, each with their own names, some in okay shape, others not.  It is a gathering of extremes, and occasionally, these

In No Uncertain Terms

Solidarity gets ready for the BELA fight


Nicholas Lorimer, Makone Maja and Anlu Keeve, discuss Solidarity's opening salvo in the fight to stop the BELA bill being implemented. They also discuss COGTA struggling to afford thousands of temp workers. Lastly, they discuss MK entering the burial and

In No Uncertain Terms

Countries with high Economic Freedom have better education


The relationship between economic freedom and quality education is clear. Nations that uphold free-market principles and implement free-market policies achieve greater success in equipping their citizens with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive.  Mauritius, the African country with the

In No Uncertain Terms

Can and will Trump do what he says?


In less than a week President-elect Donald Trump will once again lead the United States of America when he is sworn in on 20 January 2025. The last few months since his electoral success have been interesting, because Trump’s entire

In No Uncertain Terms

Referendum Party proposes non-racialism bill


In a democratic order ostensibly founded on the principle of non-racialism, race-based policy is an absurd and shameful contradiction.  There is no disputing that South Africa’s deeply racialised past has left an unjust legacy and that corrective actions are required.

In No Uncertain Terms
In No Uncertain Terms

What happens when you ban social media platforms


In anticipation of a TikTok blackout on Sunday, users are reportedly migrating en masse to... other Chinese platforms. And they really like it there. TikTok, the popular short video social media network, is set to be banned from mobile app

In No Uncertain Terms

Why South Africans struggle to escape poverty


Nicholas Lorimer and Chris Hattingh discuss the huge shortage of spaces in universities for first-year students. They also discuss as ArcelorMittal South Africa (AMSA) prepares to shut down its long steel production.