Articles By This Author

Doomsday postponed


Pre-election fears about how the ANC would respond to the loss of its parliamentary majority have not been realised. This week and next will be

South Africa’s hidebound electorate


Early results show that the ANC did indeed lose much support, but it lost almost none of it to the Democratic Alliance. It is risky

Vote for future growth, not identity or history


The editor of TimesLIVE sneers at ‘a party living off its reputation for removing waste’, but his identity politics only promises more misery. Like many

I’m over small fry; here’s my endorsement


It is often tempting to vote for small parties in elections. They have personality, they’re anti-establishment, they’re idealistic. But also, they suck. South Africa is

Equality, equality and equity


Ramaphosa threatened South Africans with “equality, whether people like it or not”. Let’s follow his logic to its conclusion, shall we?  “We cannot, and must

Free healthcare for the rich


Ramaphosa seems to think it funny to sign the NHI Bill. The people of South Africa will be the butt of his joke. ‘I have

Who can trust Ramaphosa’s promises?


Ramaphosa promises that the ANC will in future elect leaders who will not steal from the country. He’s lying. ‘Going into these elections, we are

Lesufi promises flying cars. But why?


Election-time promises are a dime a dozen, but who are futuristic pipe dreams really aimed at? It feels like bullying to pick on Panyaza Lesufi,

Big companies ditch this hopeless backwater


When even big business calls it quits on South Africa, we have to accept that the economic outlook is poor. Small businesses are fragile. They’re

Is the DA’s minimum wage stance smart politics?


The DA’s position on the national minimum wage has prompted predictable outrage from the left. ‘We appreciate that the DA is being honest about how