Articles By This Author

Zuma: the end of the beginning?


After the British and their many allies had defeated Erwin Rommel at the second Battle of Alamein in October and November 1942, Winston Churchill famously

A growing backlash against critical race theory


A few weeks ago (on 14th June) this column asked whether there was a “growing backlash against wokeism”. The answer seems to be yes, certainly

Let’s not forget the other type of state capture


The proposed partial privatisation of South African Airways (SAA) and the lifting of some restrictions on the private generation of electricity have caused a flurry

Race hustling is a menace and an insult


The campaign against “race hustling” currently being launched by the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) comes not a moment too soon. This growing industry is

Is there a growing backlash against wokeism?


Earlier this month English football fans took again to widespread booing when teams on the field performed the ritual of ‘taking the knee’ popularised by

One-child China now wants a baby boom


Telling people how many babies they can have is probably the ultimate in political, social, economic, and family planning. That is what China did, a

“Inclusive growth”? With these policies?


In his recent budget-vote speech, Ebrahim Patel, minister of trade, industry and competition, said that the Covid-19 pandemic had “deeply scarred” the South African economy.

Radical economic transformation carries on regardless


Ace may be in, Ace may be out, but radical economic transformation will be carried on anyway. Cyril Ramaphosa’s apparent victory over Ace Magashule has

A climate change propaganda handbook


At the last count, more than 460 news and media partners claiming to represent 57 countries and a “reach” of two billion people had signed

Joe Biden forced to backtrack on his racism allegations


Last month Tony Sewell, black chairman of a commission which challenged the view that the United Kingdom (UK) was a racist country, was vilified as