Articles By This Author

Weasel clause or protector of freedom? A new consideration of section 36 of the Constitution


Written constitutions are meant to limit government scope and power. Bills of rights are meant to safeguard individual freedom from government overreach. This is as

State displacement of personal responsibility cannot justify Tobacco Bill


Like clockwork, any opposition to the Tobacco Products and Electronic Delivery Systems Control Bill is met with the rejoinder that the Bill ought to be

This government is not to be taken seriously on electricity


‘Government’ is a serious concept. Related theories of public utilities, the commons, and privatisation are similarly serious and nuanced. But sometimes what government does in

Flags and threats: a liberal rumination on the limits of free expression


Julius Malema did it again – he threatened genocidal violence as a crowd cheered him on. Somewhere, a hypothetical Oom Frikkie also displayed the 1928

Vagrant ‘traffic wardens’ and the false comfort of the commons 


Although not immediately obvious, much of the collapse of service delivery we experience today can be traced back to society’s decision to ‘socialise’ the ownership

Coalitions: Our desire for ‘certainty’ and ‘stability’ must be measured, not absolute


Certainty in policy and stability in government are crucial, not only as a practical matter but also as a fundamental pillar of the rule of

A cap on CEO salaries? No, rather cap political salaries


A poll run on the BusinessTech website recently asked readers whether chief executive officer (CEO) salaries in South Africa should be ‘capped’. When I saw

Illegal mining deaths caused by socialism, not capitalism 


When Pedro Mzileni started his Sowetan column (‘The Boksburg tragedy points to the destructive role of capitalism in mining’) with, ‘17 black people were confirmed

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions (and, yes, so was the road to Apartheid)


Had the entire country been forced to remain housebound in May 2019, during the general election, this would have regarded as an unequivocal act of

Dennis Davis (of all people) stands up for private property against militant socialism 


There has been one constant in South African constitutional discourse since the 1980s: Professor Dennis Davis. He has outlived most of his sparring partners in