Articles By This Author

Lessons from a misspelled billboard


Enterprise and self-sufficiency are the wellspring of economic recovery, if only policy makers would see it. Bold, if misshapen, lettering on a crudely fashioned billboard

There’s a big difference between hope and reform


South Africa’s poor especially will find it very hard to make sense of money-market optimism – until it is real enough to trust. ‘Ordinary’ South

IRR’s 90-year record of tenacity in the face of stubborn ideology


Ours is a story of tenacity – and one that matches continuing ideological stubbornness that needlessly impedes the nearly century-old liberal vision of a free,

The misplaced comfort of overlooking history’s contradictions


It’s hard to fault the rationale impelling South Africa’s continuing name-changing mania that a good society is one that expunges imagery that uncritically honours the

Robust speech must be protected for everyone, period


Human rights won’t stand a chance in South Africa if the institution that is meant to defend them muddles defending free speech with validating racial

It’s high time we ditched race, again


We haven’t put racial lunacy behind us; it remains the dominant idea of our politics, the fundamental categories invented by the Population Registration Act having

Cyril probably wouldn’t invest in Eskom, so why should we?


You have to wonder whether President Cyril Ramaphosa would invest a single cent in a business that grew its staff by 16 000 in ten years,