Articles By This Author

Sin Tax on gambling won’t work


We can’t tax our society into behaving better, no matter how much we’d like to think we can. Behaviour-adjusting taxes like sin tax on alcohol

Inciting violence against South Africa’s Jews


South Africa is no stranger to antisemitism. In the 1930s, DF Malan’s Nazi-inspired National Party blocked the immigration of Jewish peoples, threatened violence against Jewish

SA Government is Hypocritical Over Iran and Israel


The South African government and the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) have demonstrated a profound hypocrisy in their reaction to Israel’s surgical strike

Sovereign wealth fund is a foolish idea


The South African Communist Party (SACP) has reiterated its desire for South Africa to establish a sovereign wealth fund, citing the country’s wealth of natural

Abolish BEE to save SA


Miraculously, as of August 2024, Eskom managed to keep the lights on for over 150 days, ending a dismally dark year of loadshedding in 2023.

Better policy key to industrialisation


No amount of money will magically make South Africa industrialise and its economy grow; the issue with this country is not a lack of capital.

The DA shouldn’t have entered into the GNU


The Democratic Alliance (DA), despite its fear over a doomsday coalition between the African National Congress (ANC) and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) or uMkhonto

Gang feuds must end


In the middle of May, over the course of 24 hours, three people were killed in gang-related violence in Mitchells Plain, Cape Town. The violence

DA must not compromise on race-based policies


The Democratic Alliance (DA) has an opportunity to save South Africa from continued poverty, corruption, and ruin. It must not squander it with weak compromises

Evaluating the ICC Charges against Israeli and Hamas Leadership


The South African government has clearly picked a side in the Israel-Hamas conflict. Its incredibly shameful accusations against Israel at the International Court of Justice