Articles By This Author

Migration and education: quo vadis?


South Africa is one of the largest refugee receiver states of asylum seekers and refugees on the continent. In terms of section 3 of the

Criminalising bullying not likely to help


Bullying is a phenomenon commonly found in schools and elsewhere. Under new legislation, certain kinds of bullying could be criminalised. Bullying based on such things

Restorative justice as a tool to combat purported hate speech


Section 16 of the Constitution entrenches the right to freedom of expression to everyone within the Republic. It includes the caveat that certain types of

Feeding SA’s children: Broken promises and disingenuousness


Over 9 million children benefit from South Africa’s National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP), a programme adopted in 1994 chiefly as a means to realising poor

Covid-19 measures are killing our children


Children are among society’s most vulnerable, which our law attempts to address. Section 28(2) of the Constitution, for example, provides that ‘the best interests of

Turning and Turning in the Widening Gyre: Yeats on South Africa during the pandemic?


Turning and turning in the widening gyre    The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon

Ease of the lockdown a contentious issue: Quo Vadis?


The decision to move South Africa’s lockdown from the restrictive level 5 to the marginally diluted level 4 has been met with a variety of