Paddi Clay
Paddi Clay spent 40 years in journalism, as a reporter and consultant, manager, editor and trainer in radio, print and online. She was a correspondent for foreign networks during the 80s and 90s and, more recently, a judge on the Alan Paton Book Awards. She has an MA in Digital Journalism Leadership and received the Vodacom National Columnist award in 2007. Now retired she feels she has earned the right to indulge in her hobbies of politics, history, the arts, popular culture and good food. She values curiosity, humour, and freedom of speech, opinion and choice.
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Articles By This Author
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28 years later
The new normal in South Africa is worrying. It’s what nightmares and post-apocalypse movies are made of and it has very little to do with
Optimistic Moves
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Hurry up and wait
You can almost bet on it. The minute there’s a rash of renaming some new government corruption scandal will come to light. So it came
Restaurant Blues
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‘Holding out for a Hero’
The trouble with lockdown, virus mutations, waves of infection – this whole pandemic thing with its highs of family bonding and health worker dedication and
No sex and Christmas etiquette
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Not all changes are good
Extraordinary. Fraught. Chaotic. Nail-biting. Volatile. Trump’s astonishing premature announcement of his win. His declaration that he would stop the counting. What a show. Barnum and