Articles By This Author

The coming academic boycott of Israel at UCT? Part 5


The possible decision as to whether the University of Cape Town (UCT) should impose a boycott on Israeli academics and academic institutions continues down the

Ukraine has a Jewish comedian president – a bittere gelegte*


Volodymyr Zelensky won Ukraine’s presidential elections by a landslide. He is a Jewish comedian. The background circumstances are, however, extraordinary. Zelensky is the 41-year-old son

Flattering South Africa’s Jews to deceive


The ANC flatters to deceive the majority of South African Jews by wooing Jewish investment while revoking recognition of Israel. “President Ramaphosa has assured me

BDS and its willing allies’ manipulation of UCT


The University of Cape Town’s Council is to decide today (30 March 2019) whether to endorse the Senate’s decision to approve a boycott of Israeli

What is good for the private sector goose, is not good for the Eskom gander


Globally it is accepted that if a company is making losses or needs to restructure, retrenchments may be necessary. The Cosatu and Saftu unions at

SAtired – edition 12


Hello and welcome! This little column presents news and politics at its most absurd. SAtired supports freedom of speech, small government and free markets. This means we’re

The IRR Podcast Show on Chai FM


We present the podcasts of the weekly IRR Show on Chai FM. The show is broadcast live every Tuesday from 09h00 to 10h00 on Chai