Our sick obsession


Fifty-three years ago, liberal MP Helen Suzman railed against the latest amendment of apartheid’s keystone law, the Population Registration Act, warning John Vorster’s government that

Job Reservation à la 2019


An application for a job has just been published. The position being advertised is for a researcher in marketing. The contract being offered is fixed

The destructive folly of sanctions


Economic sanctions continue their wreckage. They strengthened Castro’s tyranny in Cuba, prolonged apartheid and now threaten war in Iran. Sanctions are always destructive, usually producing

Prescribed assets: fraudulent excuses for legalised theft


In a country where the bulk of business habitually acquiesces in economically destructive policies, it is gratifying to see the forthright opposition to the ruling

Climate Hysteria


The greatest folly of our age is the belief that mankind is changing the climate in a dangerous way. It has no basis in science,

Not all human rights are equal


“The Human Rights Commission is the national institution established to support constitutional democracy. It is committed to promote respect for, observance of and protection of

SABC’s failures a microcosm of SA


It’s time the government began correcting its own failures instead of expecting the rest of us to carry the cost. By the time you read

Mugabe’s death, and Zimbabwe’s dire suffering, should prompt a rethink of EWC


South Africans cannot allow a self-serving ANC elite to inflict a Zimbabwe-type disaster on the country. The death last week of former Zimbabwe president Robert

A more than native tongue


As Heritage Day approaches and we cast around for tokens of South African essences, the youngest of Africa’s indigenous languages – despite the recent remarks

Freedom means letting people choose


Gauteng Education MEC Panyaza Lesufi should not hold a job in government if he regards the choice to speak Afrikaans and the creation of a