Articles By This Author

Unpacks the new, unimproved Preferential Procurement Bill – Gabriel Crouse


We present the podcasts of the weekly IRR Show on Chai FM. The show is broadcast live every Tuesday from 09h00 to 10h00 on Chai

Wielding power for the people’s benefit


In an article in Politicsweb on 15 September 2023, Tshwane mayor Cilliers Brink discusses the possibility of seeking an exemption from the South African Local

The legacy of Mangosuthu Buthelezi by a young Zulu commentator: Sihle Ngobese (aka) Big Daddy Liberty


We present the podcasts of the weekly IRR Show on Chai FM. The show is broadcast live every Tuesday from 09h00 to 10h00 on Chai

IRR’s Growth Report proposes a real route to SA’s growth – John Endres


If you want to listen to previous podcasts they can be found on Chai FM at or click on ‘Authors’ and go to ‘Sara

Overexposure to undemocratic states doesn’t end well


Never at a loss for simpering, oleaginous words, UN Secretary General Antonió Guterres was in customary form at the recent 15th BRICS summit when he

Proposed worrying changes to the law governing the State Security Agency – Heidi Swart


If you want to listen to previous podcasts they can be found on Chai FM at or click on ‘Authors’ and go to ‘Sara

Christians are being persecuted around the world and yet the churches are MIA – Terence Corrigan


We present the podcasts of the weekly IRR Show on Chai FM. The show is broadcast live every Tuesday from 09h00 to 10h00 on Chai

Coalitions: hard bargaining and transparency required


The Institute of Race Relations has written significantly on South Africa’s almost inevitable move to national coalition politics. The reasons for this are, first, that

The ANC’s National Democratic Revolution towards a communist state in the new book “Countdown to Socialism” – Anthea Jeffery


We present the podcasts of the weekly IRR Show on Chai FM. The show is broadcast live every Tuesday from 09h00 to 10h00 on Chai

Malema’s ‘Nazi’-style and belligerent FNB Stadium rally – Sara Gon


We present the podcasts of the weekly IRR Show on Chai FM. The show is broadcast live every Tuesday from 09h00 to 10h00 on Chai