Articles By This Author

Sacrificing dignity perilously


After thirty years of promising ‘a better life for all,’ ANC rule has entrenched rampant poverty and world-topping youth unemployment. If, as the lead partner

SA’s misplaced African hopes


If we were to somehow surge job creation by increasing regional exports, our neighbours would be worse off and South Africa’s gains would be short-lived.

Thank – don’t tax – the rich


We must support policies which tame poverty and unemployment even if they increase inequality. Many people maintain that inequality can always be reduced by making

Should we want an ANC-DA coalition?


Thirty years ago, the results of our first legitimate election seemed to maximise contentment. This year’s voting could be our last legitimate election and it’s

How not to programme humans, Google versus Goodall


Great ape troops rarely exceed a few dozen before conflicts provoke departures. Humans are chatty great apes motivated to align broadly by security and economic

Job-creation realities


We can’t know how many of our unemployed young adults will be permanently marginalised – yet six out of ten of our 15 to 24-year-old

How will this era be graded?


We are conditioned to be scrutinised by people. Algorithms teaching themselves to second guess us will be an abrupt break with the past. AI has

ANC’s motivation to accuse Israel 


When considering South Africa’s motivations for accusing Israel of genocide at the International Court of Justice, we should contemplate the electoral implications of ANC policies

How SA’s decline coincides with Harvard’s


By earning zero points, Harvard came in last in a recent survey of free speech across 250 US universities. While free speech is still respected

What do we desire?


Surveys say voters prioritise job creation, the economy, service delivery, and corruption. The ANC wants to emphasise inequality. If we build many large blocks of