Articles By This Author

New Year Reflections


After a pleasant family Christmas consisting of braai meat, scotch and chess by the braai flame, I decided to take a moment to reflect around

The GNU (DA) must fight for industrial and labour reform 


While recent news of South Africa receiving positive outlooks from ratings agencies S&P Global and Fitch is quite encouraging, the real test for the GNU

SA prosperity: embracing the informal sector


The Government of National Unity (GNU) has been a welcome development in this country in terms of providing a certain “vibe check” about us, as

Why SA rugby should be fully privatised 


With the French Top 14 Rugby League inking a deal earlier this year with broadcaster Canal Plus worth around an average of 139.4 million Euros

Lawlessness, crime, shrinking wealth and the future of South Africa


This past weekend I was at a rather large family thanksgiving event sitting ‘ebuhlanti’ (in a kraal), chatting away with a gentleman who was showing

What black American migratory patterns can tell us about a possible Joburg future


I recently read a piece by the Brookings Institution titled A ‘New Great Migration’ is bringing Black Americans to the South, which describes in part

Priorities for the GNU


After getting home from a cheery and dominant Baby Bok performance on Saturday night against Fiji, I decided to order a Gatsby from a restaurant

What Cape Town can learn from Minneapolis about housing


Recently, while waiting to watch a basketball game on satellite television  in the godless hours of the morning I stumbled on a reality TV program

Can federalism answer the problem of lawlessness?


My sister travels quite a bit around the world for her job. She recently remarked, when we were all together for a family gathering in

Socioeconomic & geospatial redress, not racial


I had an interesting thought the other day about the fact that just because a problem is racialised, it does not mean that the solution