Articles By This Author

Trump not guilty for Capitol riot


Former President Donald Trump has been acquitted by the United States Senate in what was a second failed impeachment trial. The Senate voted 57 guilty

Duarte – père et fils


According to the Sunday Times yesterday, a company that obtained tenders worth millions of rands from state-owned enterprises to fund supplier development programmes, but diverted

Biden’s first call with Xi Jinping


US President Joe Biden and China’s President Xi Jinping had their first highly anticipated phone call this past week. It was the first official conversation

Skilled South Africans leaving the country in droves


South Africa’s post-lockdown recovery will likely be troubled by the huge number of skilled South Africans leaving the country, says the CEO of Rand Merchant

KPMG goes woke


KPMG’s UK chairman, Bill Michael, has lost his job for daring to question unconscious-bias training. Michael was at KPMG for 30 years. In a Zoom

EU and Russian diplomatic disaster


In a recent interview Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated that his country was ready to end ties with the European Union. This statement comes

Florida Man attacks two people with machete because they dirtied his car


A man in Miami, Florida, has been charged with attempted murder and armed assault after he allegedly attacked two people with a machete during an

Mekong River at a low level – Commission demands China share dam data


The Mekong river which flows through Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam is at a “worrying level” according to the Mekong River Commission (MRC) which was

Business confidence lower than during apartheid


Business confidence in South Africa is plumbing new depths and is now lower than at the height of apartheid in the mid-1980s. This is according

IRR hosts livestream with Dr. Anthea Jeffery on Expropriation Bill


Yesterday, the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) hosted a livestream discussion with their Head of Policy Research, Dr. Anthea Jeffery, on the Expropriation Bill. The