Articles By This Author

Ramaphosa challenged to face MPs over Covid-19 corruption


President Cyril Ramaphosa has been challenged to face questions in Parliament about the ‘the feeding frenzy over Covid19-related tenders among ANC-connected individuals’. The challenge has

Facebook ordered to block Bolsonaro allies


Facebook said it had reluctantly complied with an order by Brazil’s Supreme Court to block the accounts of a dozen top allies of far-right President

Cases exceed half a million


As infections exceeded 500 000, it was revealed that South Africa lost more in tax revenue in the first three-and-half months of the fiscal year than

‘Taken aback’ Masondo asked to step down from Cabinet


Deputy finance minister David Masondo, who has been asked by the integrity commission of the African National Congress (ANC) to ‘voluntarily step aside’ from his

Exiled pro-democracy activists sought by Hong Kong


Six pro-democracy activists living in exile in Western countries are being sought by police in Hong Kong, according to the BBC. The report said Chinese

Economic slump could be worse – OECD


South Africa’s economy could contract by as much as 8.2% this year, with only a limited recovery next year, should the country be hit by

Cutifani calls for mining policy certainty


Anglo American CEO Mark Cutifani has called for a mining industry meeting with President Cyril Ramaphosa and other cabinet officials to clear obstacles for investment

Lockdown worsening SA’s dependency rate


The extended lockdown risks raising South Africa’s dependency rate, as more people come to rely on those lucky enough still to have jobs.  Job losses

Pandemic news overshadowed by ANC tender saga


Days after the International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreed to give South Africa billions to help deal with the consequences of the pandemic, on condition the

De Lille suspends top official over costly funerals


Public works director-general Sam Vukela was suspended this week after being implicated in huge overspending on state funerals. The suspension coincided with a report that