Articles By This Author

Riots in Minneapolis after killing of George Floyd


Riots have continued in the US city of Minneapolis, Minnesota, following the killing of an African-American man, George Floyd. Floyd died on 25 May after

Trump terminates US relationship with WHO


President Donald Trump last night announced that the United States (US) ‘will be today terminating our relationship’ with the World Health Organization (WHO) and directing

Chinese Parliament passes security law reducing Hong Kong’s independence


On Thursday the parliament of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) passed a law which would criminalize the ‘insult’ to the national anthem of the

Trump falls behind in polls against rival Biden


Latest presidential election polls from the United States (US) show that the incumbent, Donald Trump, is falling behind his rival, Joe Biden. A recent poll

Test backlog of thousands


The number of Covid-19 cases in South Africa could be out by many thousands, as several tens of thousands of tests have yet to be

DA set to shed staff


The Democratic Alliance (DA), South Africa’s biggest opposition party is set to shed staff as it restructures. According to City Press an internal email sent

SpaceX manned launch postponed to tomorrow


The first launch of humans from United States (US) soil in nearly a decade was postponed to tomorrow, after a storm led to the postponement

All of SA to level 3 next week – Health Ministry


The Ministry of Health confirmed yesterday that the entire country would move to a level 3 lockdown on Monday. But the infection rate will be

Florida man kidnaps 17-year-old girl to get through disease checkpoint


A 37-year-old Florida man has been arrested after he allegedly kidnapped a 17-year-old girl to drive him through a coronavirus checkpoint.   The man, Alexander Sardinas

Governing party candidate comes out on top in Burundi


Results from elections in Burundi – which were held last week – showed the governing National Council for the Defense of Democracy – Forces for