Ownership indispensable to growth


Without property, a market-based economy is impossible to sustain – and without markets, prosperity is impossible. The following is the text of my speech at

Property rights and the Rise or Fall of South Africa in the 2020s


Be warned: as long as South Africans think that expropriation without compensation is a benign policy or that it might deliver a social good, or

There is only one thing to talk about …


Frans Cronje | Aug 11, 2019If we do not defeat the threat of expropriation without compensation, we doom South Africa to a future of poverty, and failure,

An Imperfect Fit? South Africa and the Need for a Liberal Party – 2019 Liberty Lecture


I think the need for a liberal party – armed with courage, clarity, self-confidence, vision and purpose – is needed now, at this time of

What the IRR is doing to roll back the threats to SA’s future


Our future as a free and open society depends on one thing alone – shaping public opinion on the pressing need for policy reform. The