SA faces unprecedented challenges, experts warn

Dispatches News

A major change in the makeup of South Africa’s political landscape after last week’s election “poses challenges to stability that have never had to be

Was electorate fully aware of voting-station rule change, IRR asks?

Dispatches News

When South Africans went to vote on Wednesday, some may have been surprised to discover that they could no longer vote at a station different

IEC must address shortcomings or risk SA losing faith in democracy – IRR

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Should voters lose faith in the ability of the Electoral Commission (IEC) “to manage South African elections and ensure they are free and fair, this

New IRR report asks: Will SA defend its freedom?

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The real question that arises over possible post-election coalition arrangements “is whether South Africa’s people will rally to defend themselves”. So writes IRR analyst Terence

What would an ANC/EFF coalition mean for SA?

Dispatches News

A new analysis by the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) examines South Africa’s prospects under a possible coalition government comprising the ANC and EFF. Written

New IRR paper warns of legislation gridlock potential

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Lawmaking could be hampered or even made impossible if next week’s election results in a hung parliament. This is among the risks highlighted in a

ANC manifesto “fails on ideological grounds” – Vegter

Dispatches News

South Africans should brace themselves for “further economic decline” if the ANC retains its grip on power in next week’s election. This is the conclusion

New BEE system risks greater exposure to corruption – IRR

Dispatches News

The new public procurement system – contained in legislation scheduled to be voted on today − will “add to uncertainty in the tender process, which

IRR CEO invites donors to back legal challenge to NHI

Dispatches News

Donors “with an appetite for litigation” have been invited by the CEO of the Institute of Race Relations (IRR), Dr John Endres, to get in

Not SABC’s role to decide merits of DA’s “burning flag” advertisement” – FSU SA

Dispatches News

It is “outrageous” that the SABC claims it is “mandated to promote nation building and that the (DA’s flag) advert goes against that spirit”, says