Labour Appeal Court interdicts the continuation of Nehawu strike


The Labour Appeal Court (LAC) judgment has interdicted essential service workers from continuing with the destructive industrial action that has resulted in the death of

New minister reported to the SIU for possible degree fraud


South Africa’s new Public Service and Administration Minister Noxolo Kiviet is being investigated by the Special Investigative Unit (SIU) for possible degree fraud. According to

Xi Jinping vows to transform military into ‘great wall of steel’


In the first speech of his unprecedented third term as president of China, Xi Jinping vowed to strengthen national security and transform the military into

‘Patronage network’ at heart of Gumede trial


Four companies which secured the R320m eThekwini Durban Solid Waste contract paid about R36.5m to community-based contractors (CBCs) established by local ANC heavyweights to promote

Australia seeks deeper economic and military ties with India


Australian Prime minister Anthony Albanese says Australia wants to discuss expanding security and economic cooperation with India at an up-coming summit with Indian Prime Minister

Taiwan okays more direct flights to China


Despite escalating tensions between Taiwan and China, the Taiwanese government has indicated that it would allow flights from Taiwan to travel to additional Chinese destinations.

Former mayor Makwarela no longer councillor


Hours after declaring his intention to remain Tshwane executive mayor, beleaguered Murunwa Makwarela resigned on Friday– and ceased being a COPE councillor – when it

Netherlands to impose new restrictions on tech exports to China


The Netherlands’ government this week announced plans to impose new restrictions on exports of semiconductor technology, joining the United States-led effort to curb chip exports

Possible jail sentence for gay people in Uganda


Uganda is considering criminalising anyone who simply identifies as gay. A bill before the Ugandan parliament could see anyone who identifies as belonging to the

‘Foreigners’ overwhelming Western Cape, says Peter Marais


Veteran politician and Freedom Front Plus member of the Western Cape provincial legislature, Peter Marais, called for the province to take action against ‘escalating’ racial