Banks could survive an SOE default, says Reserve Bank


A default on their debt by South Africa’s State-Owned Enterprises would be harmful to the banking sector, but would not derail it. This was the

Traditional and Khoisan Leadership Bill Signed


It was announced this week that President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed the Traditional and Khoisan Leadership Bill. According to a statement by the Presidency the

Black Friday plot foiled; supremacist leader arrested


Specialist police unit arrested white supremacist activist Harry Johannes Knoesen, leader of the National Christian Resistance Movement (NCRM). A tip off suggested that he had

Former Sudan ruling party to be banned


Draft legislation approved by the Sudanese cabinet would seek to remove vestiges of the ‘Al-Ingaz Regime’, as the rule of former President Omar al-Bashir was

Starvation hits Zimbabwe


The United Nations (UN) has warned that up to 60% of Zimbabweans are unable to meet their basic food needs. However, this food shortage was

Water plan unveiled


The government’s National Water and Sanitation Master Plan has been released. Speaking at the launch in Tshwane on 28 November, Minister of Human Settlements, Water,

More than 40 Cape trains lost to arson, but no arrests


Cape Town mayor Dan Plato complained this week that more than 40 train sets, with at least 140 carriages, had been destroyed by fire over

Heating up Down Under


Australia’s fire- and drought-ravaged east will continue to suffer hot and dry conditions this summer, increasing the chances of severe weather events. The Bureau of

SAA on the brink


The embattled state-owned airline, South African Airways (SAA), suffered another blow on Thursday when a major ticket retailer stopped selling tickets to fly on the

Govt urged to step in to curb foot-and-mouth disease risk


The government has been urged to gazette – or declare as a crisis – the latest Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreak in Limpopo as