The ambiguous outcome of dual citizenship policy


The Netherlands Public Prosecution Service has warned the incumbent minister of justice and security, Ferdinand Grappenhaus, that his policy towards returning Dutch ‘jihadis’ who hold

Women for the bench


More than half of the latest appointments to South Africa’s magistracy are women, bringing the total number of female magistrates to 863 out of a

Moody’s: South Africa avoids junk – for now


Ratings agency Moody’s announced late on Friday evening that it was retaining South Africa on investment grade. This was greeted with relief by government and

Racist social media comment comes at a cost


Senior content producer at YFM Camagwini Mavovana has had her contract terminated over ‘offensive’ comments contriving to link convicted child rapist Nicholas Ninow’s conduct to

South Africans score again at World Rugby awards


Not content with winning the Rugby World Cup on Saturday, South Africans won again at the World Rugby awards on Sunday. Rassie Erasmus was named

South Africa wins the RWC


South Africa won its third Rugby World Cup title on Saturday. The Springboks secured a 32-12 win over England. England had gone into the match

Meet our demands or we will plunge SA into darkness – NUM


The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) warned Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan that if Eskom was unbundled – which it said would be the ‘precursor

A double-standard on hate speech?


In the wake of rulings in favour of members of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) against the South African National Editors’ Forum (SANEF) and public

Peronists back in power in Argentina


The left-wing Peronist movement recaptured the Argentinian Presidency last month, when their candidate won a Presidential election in that country. Alberto Fernandez of the Justicialist

Mozambique election result challenged


Mozambican opposition party Renamo has launched a legal challenge to the results of the country’s October elections. The country’s electoral commission had announced a landslide