Flag faux pas – Lesufi apologises


Gauteng education MEC Panyaza Lesufi had to eat humble pie after falsely accusing a World Cup Rugby fan of flaunting the old South African flag.

Modern humans originated in Botswana, claim researchers


Northern Botswana has been identified as the ‘ancestral homeland’ of modern humans. A study recently published in the journal Nature by a team of researchers

Steenhuisen spells out vision for DA


The new parliamentary leader of the Democratic Alliance (DA), John Steenhuisen said he would stand for the position of party leader and would strive to

SA exports to US under review over intellectual property rights


South Africa’s access to the United States (US) market is under the microscope, following concerns expressed by US companies that South Africa is failing to

New bill on land due next month


Parliament’s Ad Hoc Committee to Initiate and Introduce Legislation Amending Section 25 of the Constitution (to allow for expropriation without compensation) anticipates finalising a draft

Tourism numbers fall


Tourist arrivals have fallen slightly in 2019, compared with the same period in 2018, according to Stats SA. The most recent statistics on tourism and

Steenhuisen becomes new DA parliamentary leader


The feisty former chief whip of the Democratic Alliance (DA), John Steenhuisen, has been chosen as the party’s parliamentary leader. Annelie Lotriet, chairperson of the

Boks head for final


Cheering broke out wherever South Africans had gathered yesterday when the final whistle blew on the Springboks vs Wales game in Yokohama. South Africa will

Name the journalists you say you paid, Mantashe urged


Mining minister Gwede Mantashe is under growing pressure to name two Sunday World journalists he claimed to have paid to drop a story on allegations

Irony in Mbeki’s warning on race


Former president Thabo Mbeki weighed in on this week’s Democratic Alliance (DA) leadership crisis, saying all parties had ‘an absolute obligation’ to contribute to the