Balloon attack on South Korea


Large white balloons carrying plastic bags of North Korean trash including excrement have been floating over South Korea.  The balloons from North Korea were detected,

Frustration with Hungary over Ukraine aid


European Union (EU) ministers are voicing exasperation that an aid package to Ukraine is being held up by Hungary. The latter last year refused to

Business cannot work with an anti-business coalition: Mavuso 


The outspoken CEO of Business Leadership South Africa, Busi Mavuso, has warned that business will find it difficult to continue its partnership initiatives with the

SA Jews ‘airbrushed’ out of history


The ANC and the government it leads have brought their support for the Palestinians into South Africa’s domestic politics, by excluding the country’s Jewish community

Congressional delegation pledges support to Taiwan


A bipartisan delegation of American lawmakers in Taiwan has affirmed its ongoing support to the defence of the island democracy. This comes with the inauguration

Tribute paid to Ackermann


Freedom Under Law (FUL) has paid tribute to founding Constitutional Court Justice Laurie Ackermann, who recently died. FUL said his commitment to the rule of

Kenya gains important NATO-ally status


Kenya has become the first country in sub-Saharan African to gain major non-North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) ally status. This status is given by the

Ackerman family to give up controlling stake in Pick n Pay


The Ackerman family will give up its controlling stake in Pick n Pay, after being in charge for nearly 60 years. Pick n Pay announced

Hundreds die in Papua New Guinea


It is believed that about 670 people have died in a landslide in Papua New Guinea. The landslide occurred on Friday and was initially estimated

New IRR report asks: Will SA defend its freedom?

Dispatches News

The real question that arises over possible post-election coalition arrangements “is whether South Africa’s people will rally to defend themselves”. So writes IRR analyst Terence