Hooray for our home-grown heretics


The death of Desmond Tutu has reminded me how lucky South Africa has been to have had clergymen brave enough to take on the powers

Asteroids and Anxiety


Just when it appears we can perhaps breathe a little easier, literally, with the Covid-19 virus morphing into a less severe or lung-damaging, although still

Stupidity and doubt threaten the West


2022 promises paradox. On the one hand, the world will still enjoy the wonderful improvement in human welfare that Western Civilisation has delivered. The last


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 20th December 1948 – Operation Kraai: The Dutch military captures Yogyakarta, the

Exploration blocked because dead people live in the sea


In a wild judgment on the Wild Coast, the High Court granted an interim interdict blocking a seismic survey, inter alia because some local people

Non-racialism, the choice of a supermajority of South Africans


Over the festive season, the Daily Friend has been rerunning some most-read, or especially significant, articles from 2021. The following piece was published on 27 June. Earlier

The truth about the April 1994 election


The Daily Friend is rerunning some of our most-read articles over the festive season. This week marks the 27th anniversary of 27th April 1994. This date commemorates

Desmond Tutu merited all the respect he got


With the death of the venerable Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Mpilo Tutu, South Africa has lost a remarkable soul, overflowing with decency and humanity. He, perhaps

My Dad and the Arch (a short tribute)


A short story about the day I met Desmond Tutu, and his simple act of kindness towards my father: It was 2007, and I was

A brilliant flash, then oblivion: is this the ANC’s supernova moment?


This article was first published on 6 June 2021. This was one of our 20 most read article of 2021. My colleague Anthea Jeffery has