Pie in the Sky revisited


Last week’s column on ‘How to fix the country’ stated up front that Cyril Ramaphosa would probably do very little to halt South Africa’s downward

How BIG debates can squash BEE


Our ruling party is expected to benefit electorally from its anti-corruption efforts, while legal forms of patronage sink the economy. Basic income grant (BIG) debates

SA needs more moxie from business leaders


Panelists in a late-July webinar – it was entitled ‘It’s been a complicated few weeks…’, and included business luminaries Adrian Gore (Discovery), Robbie Brozin (Nando’s)

The last of Big Coal?


If you had to name one substance above all others that has delivered the human race into long life, good health and prosperity, it would

Cabinet reshuffle no harbinger of reform – Frans Cronje


The Cabinet reshuffle ‘sees the government consolidating an orientation that is quite at odds with reform and only reinforces state-directed economic planning and related dogma’.

Should Covid vaccines be compulsory?


People who oppose vaccinations are perpetually terrified of being forced to vaccinate. Is this fear justified, and if so, is mandatory vaccination defensible? The stock

A game of thrones: a parasitic, elite apparatus


Over the past two weeks I have been reading George R R Martin’s novel, A Clash of Kings, and watching the series that it spawned,

EWC and custodianship are real threats


News reports over the past weeks have suggested that the ANC and EFF have reached an impasse over the proposed amendment to Section 25 of


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 2nd August 338 BC – A Macedonian army led by Philip II

Abandoning the field when there’s everything left to play for


It’s uncontroversial to say these days that South Africa is in the grip of a collective sense of doom. It seems that the only piece