
This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 9th June 747 – Abbasid Revolution: Abu Muslim Khorasani begins an open

Compelling the ANC to listen to the people on EWC, land reform, racism, and the NDR


The ANC has always claimed a unique entitlement to act, speak, and rule on behalf of South Africa’s black majority. This arrogance, along with its

The Economic Consequences of Ebrahim Patel, Part III: The damage done by the Competition Commission


Last week the Competition Commission barred the sale of a company on the grounds that the black empowerment stake of the firm being sold would

Post Office monopoly claim is legal, but immoral


After years of turning a blind eye, the South African Post Office is now challenging the right of courier companies to deliver packages of 1kg

An Open Letter to Archbishop Makgoba


Dear Archbishop Makgoba, In your recent letter to Anglican Church members, you attack Israel in very harsh terms, casting it as evil, unjust, and comparable

One-child China now wants a baby boom


Telling people how many babies they can have is probably the ultimate in political, social, economic, and family planning. That is what China did, a

A brilliant flash, then oblivion: is this the ANC’s supernova moment?


My colleague Anthea Jeffery has written here on why, and contrary to most opinion, the proposals of the EFF and the ANC on custodianship are

Electricity nonsense, innocent and malign


South Africa’s electricity supply is threatened on two fronts, by malign nonsense and by innocent nonsense. The malign threat is the ANC, which has wrecked

Ramos ruling an important media gain


Something truly extraordinary happened late on Friday night. The EFF, a party locked in multiple civil and criminal court battles over its public and social

The courage of Herman Mashaba


Voters have always valued courage. From Margaret Thatcher to Bernie Sanders, it is impossible to think that political and electoral greatness and relevance can be