South Africa’s almost non-existent thin blue line


The news that newly proposed firearms legislation would no longer recognise self-defence as a valid reason to own a firearm, has been met with anger,

“Inclusive growth”? With these policies?


In his recent budget-vote speech, Ebrahim Patel, minister of trade, industry and competition, said that the Covid-19 pandemic had “deeply scarred” the South African economy.

Why upgrading our national dialogue is essential and how to do it


South Africa’s political and economic challenges will remain unmanageable until we reframe our national discourse. Our adoption of a global perspective can be fast-tracked by

100 suits for Radical Economic Transformation


The Zondo Commission is the best thing in years for South Africa (the only good thing?). It is invaluable even if it never leads to

Is ‘Ubuntu capitalism’ really a thing?


In two weeks’ time, chartered accountant Vuyo Jack will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding of empowerment ‘ratings agency’ Empowerdex, which he established with

South Africa’s political landscape – portents for October?


South Africa is heading to elections in October to choose new municipal governments across the country (assuming that they aren’t postponed as a consequence of

Why we cannot postpone the elections this year


Former Deputy Chief Justice Dikgang Moseneke has been chosen by the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) to head up an inquiry to assess whether or not

Lived experience: A strange kind of truth


‘The Fremen were supreme in that quality the ancients called “spannungsbogen” – which is the self-imposed delay between the desire for a thing and the

What does Tafelkop mean?


President Ramaphosa was doing the sort of thing that he does well this past weekend – making uplifting speeches, delivering good news and promising even

Legal gun ownership is inversely correlated with gun crime


The Civilian Secretariat for Police Service, headed by police minister Bheki Cele, is proposing to prohibit firearm licences for the purposes of self-defence. Their reasoning,