Why we took the government to court over the lockdown


Democratic institutions are the backbone of any prosperous country. Strong democratic institutions are needed to protect civil rights and political freedoms; these in turn ensure

Alcohol ban the bluntest tool in fight against Covid-19


It has been a few weeks since South Africa’s latest ban on the sale of alcohol was lifted. While a relief for many large and

The aloe ferox is dead


What does it mean when ‘markets react positively’ to Wednesday’s budget speech? Why would they react positively, when it was laden with bad news? On

Land reform can promote agriculture – but what Ramaphosa’s government proposes cannot


There is no trade-off between land reform and agricultural production and productivity. This was the message from President Cyril Ramaphosa in the debate on the


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 21st February 1808 – Without declaring war, Russian troops cross the Swedish

The Expropriation Bill and its ‘Game-Changing’ Benefits for the BEE Elite


Speaking last month to the Progressive Business Forum – a group of BEE and other businesses that pay the African National Congress (ANC) significant sums

Angie Motshekga and ‘Rape Culture’


Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga recently told a group of students that with better education there would be less rape in South Africa. This stoked

The Budget: The Need to Repurpose the State


This afternoon, Finance Minister Tito Mboweni will deliver a Budget that has taken on greater-than-usual significance. For the past few years, Mboweni has been calling

The case against sin taxes


The argument for sin taxes is frequently made. Arguments against sin taxes, however, are rarely discussed, and never feature in the National Treasury’s budget speeches.

How much deregulation did Donald Trump actually achieve?


Donald Trump famously declared that ‘for every new regulation issued, at least two prior regulations [must] be identified for elimination’. This was music to the