
This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 29th January 1980 Rubik’s Cube makes its international debut Most people are

One week left to ‘Kill the Bill’


When the Expropriation Bill of 2020 (the Bill) was gazetted in October last year, Deputy President David Mabuza claimed that it would ‘address the injustices

Market turmoil: Manias and What to do?


An army of small traders on the US stock market have shown immense power over the past week. Many of these retail investors are now

Class warfare against hedge funds


The financial story of the year to date is how a mob of small-fry retail investors worked together to put a legendary short squeeze on

The Paris Agreement: a costly and damaging failure?


The US will shortly be part of the Paris Agreement once again. It will therefore be committed to helping keep the rise in the planet’s

Plato and the allegory of the ANC


While the Democratic Alliance (DA) in the Western Cape has chosen to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic head-on, and to secure its own supply of

Behind the mantras of Cape independence


The argument for Cape independence can be distilled to seven words; We are better off on our own. The argument against it usually reduces to

Naledi Pandor exposes the ANC’s real problem (the ANC)


The greatest misconception in South African politics is that the economic decline, corruption, collapse of institutions and racial animosity since 1994 have been caused by

Restaurant Blues


Let me describe my most recent meltdown. I am at the stove cooking. I reach out for the white wine to add a splash of

The Tyefu incident: a symbol of national error


In the satellite image, Tyefu police station looks as remote and undistinguished as an abandoned farmstead, a modest block and a few outbuildings beside a