Alice’s Wonderland has nothing on this


Last week South Africa plunged down the rabbit hole of Critical Race Theory (CRT), which colleague Anthea Jeffery lucidly describes as ‘…an anti-capitalist ideology that

Crisis of faith: What SA’s police must do to win back public trust


South Africans’ confidence in the police continues to wane, with the proportion of people and households reporting crimes continuing to decline.  This much is evident

SAtired – edition two


Hello and welcome! This little weekly column will present politics at its most absurd. SAtired supports freedom of speech, small government, and free markets. We’re liberals like

Change empowerment thinking for a chance at a post-Covid-19 future


South Africa has entered the second year of the Covid-19 pandemic; while the country is likely to be dealing with the health crisis for a

Inside the vaccine conspiracy: a confession


The hundreds of outraged comments on my columns recommending Covid-19 vaccines have forced me to admit: I am part of the vaccine conspiracy. Here’s how


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 22nd January 1555 – Kingdom of Ava in Central Burma falls to

The wealth tax idea is back


The SACP/ANC alliance has long wanted a wealth tax to help ‘discipline’ capital and advance the Freedom Charter’s goal of ‘sharing’ the country’s wealth. The

National Planning Commission: Side-stepping on course corrections


The Covid-19 lockdown pushed South Africa deeper into recession, and might – had the president been bold – have given a boost to serious, deep

The million-dollar question: How many have had Covid-19?


How many people have Covid in South Africa? How many have had it? What difference does it make and why does no one seem to

Take the vaccine; it’s the right – and smart – thing to do


When South Africans finally get access to a vaccine (who knows when), you have a right to refuse it. But that doesn’t mean refusing is