Housing vouchers: the solution to public housing in SA


In a recent article published on EWN titled, “Govt’s new mixed-model housing plan raised more questions than answers”, it was reported that the government intends

SAtired – edition one


Hello and welcome! This little weekly column will present politics at its most absurd. SAtired supports freedom of speech, small government and free markets. This

January 8th Statement confirms perilous direction


As the Covid-19 pandemic reasserts itself, as infection spreads, and the death tolls rise, and as the country is pushed back into lockdown – with

Is the WHO fit for purpose? (Part II)


In my previous column, I started with an in-depth look at the World Health Organisation’s poor performance during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this article, I’ll


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 9th January 1992 – The first discoveries of extrasolar planets are announced

Ignoring the distilled wisdom of centuries on EWC


In pushing ahead with expropriation laws providing for ‘nil’ compensation in wide-ranging circumstances, the South African government is ignoring the distilled wisdom of centuries –

A perfect storm at our borders


Humanitarian crises threatened to break out at South Africa’s busiest land border posts over the festive season.  A flood of Zimbabweans and Mozambicans overwhelmed the

Is the WHO fit for purpose? (Part I)


It’s been a year since the WHO notified the world about a ‘pneumonia of unknown cause’ discovered in China. Given that its primary purpose was

Trump became his own worst enemy


Donald J. Trump’s presidency was, as he would say, a tremendous success until it wasn’t. Misunderstanding his success, many could also misunderstand his failure. In

Trump not alone in attacks on democracy, but he is now beyond the pale


If last week’s invasion of Capitol Hill was an attempted coup, then it ranks as one of the most inept in history. The reaction to