Hotspot lockdowns: when all you have is a hammer…


In nine months of responding to the Covid-19 pandemic, it seems government has learnt little, as the crude lockdown measures foisted upon the Nelson Mandela

EFF putting SA at risk


In recent months, South Africans have once again seen how supremacist ideology based on racial identity threatens the unity of a nation that aspires to

Here I stand. I can do no other, so help me God. Amen.


 ‘It is not because men have enacted laws that life, liberty, and property exist. On the contrary, it is because life, liberty, and property are

Why is cheap electricity so expensive?


So now we know. One of the reasons for retaining South African exchange controls is to ensure that enough money is available for investment in

A ‘fake news’ boomerang


In the Daily Maverick article of 23 November, ‘Fake news and Misinformation kill: How can you trust what you are told about Covid-19’, the ‘Scientists

Nuclear is more moral than renewables


There is a modern tendency to attribute morality to inanimate things. Thus ‘energy’ is ‘good’, and ‘pressure’ is ‘bad’. ‘Positive’ and ‘negative’ are used for

No sex and Christmas etiquette


Everyone seems quick to share intimate or traumatic personal experiences or the nature of their sex lives these days, but I regret that, being of

Looking past the gloom


Back in 2000, it took five weeks until the winner of the tied presidential election was known. George W. Bush triumphed over Democrat Al Gore

What if George Floyd wasn’t murdered?


George Floyd died on 25 May 2020. The four policemen who apprehended him have been charged criminally for his death. One has been charged with

Government meddling in streaming will only hurt consumers


It turns out that the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCD) – and the South African government at large – do not believe in