Christians should chart their own path


South African liberalism has a culture of debate. It also has a culture of introspection. You could argue that, properly understood, the two things are

Thoughts on Christmastime


This will be my last formal column for the year. As you read this, South Africa is entering the Christmas season. For millions of South

Expropriating land from the poor


Everyone knows about the moves to expropriate land in South Africa, but few know that the biggest expropriation bill of all has just been passed


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 27th November 1809 – The Berners Street hoax is perpetrated by Theodore

The Good, the Bad – and the Bizarre


A good development this week was the defeat of the ANC’s attempt to smuggle in the introduction of an electronic voting system under the cover

Does the ANC really want investment and growth?


Foreigners are once again in the sights of mobs and politicians who are building support on anti-immigrant sentiments. Popular frustration at the deep economic slump

Why Covid vaccines will be safe


The anti-vax movement is all riled up over the idea of vaccines against the virus that causes Covid-19, spreading baseless fears about their likely safety.

Liberalism and religion: a reply to Ernst Roets


Ernst Roets, AfriForum’s Head of Policy and Action, took to Twitter late last week to draw his followers’ attention to a vigorous debate on the

Folly of a faithless life


My shirt is already wet with sweat when I get to the NG Church at Schweizer-Reneke on a Sunday morning in January 2019. I have

Malema: untouchable, invincible, and unstoppable?


Having again demonstrated their prowess in battle, most recently against women working at Clicks and schoolchildren at Brackenfell High, Julius Malema’s Economic ‘Freedom Fighters’ (EFF)