BEE and the Expropriation Bill to ‘complete the revolution’


Last Friday both Fitch Ratings and Moody’s Investor Services downgraded South Africa’s sovereign risk rating by a further notch each, pushing the country yet further

South Africa needs (good) religion: a reply to Ivo Vegter


I have been informed and delighted by reading Ivo Vegter’s work since I was a teenager. He is one of the best journalists in this

Editorial: Too important a debate to be stifled


Ivo Vegter’s article ‘Let’s decolonise Christianity’ attracted the attention and criticism that was to be expected. The tenor of most of the criticism was that

A Week of Warnings


Last week was a terrible one for South Africa. Officials spun President Cyril Ramaphosa’s annual investment conference last week as a success that would result

Let’s decolonise religion


Of late, there have been assorted movements dedicated to ‘decolonising’ things from statuary to science. One wonders why religion hasn’t been targeted with the same

ANC powerless? Judge for yourself


African National Congress national chair, Gwede Mantashe, was reported at the weekend as saying the party had no powers to force leaders facing criminal charges

Nats learnt from ‘mistakes’, but can Ramaphosa?


Speaking in Parliament earlier this month, Cyril Ramaphosa said that ‘we are in rebuilding mode and correcting the mistakes of the past’. The government had

The politics of the queue


Whenever I think of socialism, I think of long queues. Socialism, of course, is just state control, where a ruling class tells everybody else what

Letter from a retired judge: ‘I cannot remain silent …’


‘We are on the edge of a great precipice of grave potential harm to so much that I love that … I cannot remain silent.’

‘But the Emperor is naked’, cried the young boy


‘That which purifies us is trial, and trial is by what is contrary’ John Milton, Areopagitica (1644) Counterpoint, an occasional feature on the Daily Friend,