Empowerment policy holds mining back


Mining’s future was once again on the table last week. Or should that perhaps be on the chopping block? The Junior Indaba, known – according


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 7th November 1426 – Lam Sơn uprising: Lam Sơn rebels emerge victorious

Why race is not a proxy for disadvantage


Can you tell how rich or poor someone is by looking at their skin in South Africa? Apartheid aimed to make it so. In 2020,

Despite the election, the American system is better than most


The American election continues to be a subject of conversation more than a week after ballots were cast. Aside from the hysterical behaviour of some

Post-Trump: SA may be forced to choose – US or China


President-elect Joe Biden has promised big changes, and to set the United States (US) on a new course. The US will be far more involved

Proposed new taxes: the good, the bad and the ugly


National Treasury has stated its intention to raise additional revenue by increasing taxes, and has informed Parliament of three new taxes it is considering. One

The pandemic-affected Silicon Valley economy


SUNNYVALE, CA:  Daily life in the Silicon Valley remains heavily disrupted eight months after the coronavirus arrived on America’s west coast. At Apple headquarters in

Steenhuisen gets off to a fighting start


The acceptance speech by John Steenhuisen on his recent election as leader of the Democratic Alliance (DA) hit all the right notes. He accurately diagnosed

Not all changes are good


Extraordinary. Fraught. Chaotic. Nail-biting. Volatile. Trump’s astonishing premature announcement of his win. His declaration that he would stop the counting. What a show. Barnum and

Cleaning up the US electoral system


Surely there must be a better voting system than this? Many people must have asked this question as they watched the messy vote-counting for the