The cost of politicising race


The Covid-19 crisis offers abundant international examples of science being politicised. Here in South Africa, the straightforward mathematical calculations necessary to avoid a sovereign debt

Labour’s civil war – a guide for the confused


It’s hard not to conclude that the decision to suspend Jeremy Corbyn – Labour’s leader until 4 April 2020 – has opened the way for

The BEE behemoth


In my article, Racial discrimination: two questions for Momentum, I wrote that, based on the sources I had read, Momentum Metropolitan Holdings (MMH) said it

When ‘explanations’ beggar belief


To get by in modern society, people need accurate information. Without it they have as good as no chance of understanding their environment, identifying the


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 26th October 1597 – Imjin War: Korean Admiral Yi Sun-sin routs the

When ‘explanations’ beggar belief


To get by in modern society, people need accurate information. Without it they have as good as no chance of understanding their environment, identifying the


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 26th October 1597 – Imjin War: Korean Admiral Yi Sun-sin routs the

The biggest land grabber of all


President Cyril Ramaphosa has often stressed that there will be no ‘land grabs’ in South Africa. But the pending constitutional amendment bill to allow expropriation

Mboweni’s MTBPS – Delaying the tough decisions


Back in February, Finance Minister Tito Mboweni set the crucial debt-to-GDP target to peak in three years. It was inevitable that yesterday’s Medium Term Budget

The biggest land grabber of all


President Cyril Ramaphosa has often stressed that there will be no ‘land grabs’ in South Africa. But the pending constitutional amendment bill to allow expropriation