Economic recovery plan, or wish list?


On 15 October, President Cyril Ramaphosa unveiled a recovery plan at a joint sitting of Parliament, with the objective of rebuilding an economy ravaged by

Why the ANC shuts poor people out of the economy


Why does the ANC despise poor people? Why is it so determined to shut them out of the formal economy? President Ramaphosa’s recent speech on

Mmusi Maimane and the illusion of race


It’s perhaps a measure of the cruelty of fate that, having lost the leadership of Democratic Alliance (DA), even when he has interesting and important

Economic recovery plan, or wish list?


On 15 October, President Cyril Ramaphosa unveiled a recovery plan at a joint sitting of Parliament, with the objective of rebuilding an economy ravaged by

Racial discrimination: two questions for Momentum


The Institute of Race Relations (IRR), founded in 1929, has espoused non-racialism for decades, a principled position it hasn’t always benefited from. Since Black Economic

Communities must take the initiative


‘It isn’t a Bill of Rights that produces freedom. It’s the structure of government that prevents anybody from seizing all the power. Once that happens,

Hyperinflation and the cowardice of business in SA


History shows that hyperinflation, although associated with money printing and high debt levels, is not caused by these conditions but rather the collapse of confidence

Racial discrimination: two questions for Momentum


The Institute of Race Relations (IRR), founded in 1929, has espoused non-racialism for decades, a principled position it hasn’t always benefited from. Since Black Economic

Communities must take the initiative


‘It isn’t a Bill of Rights that produces freedom. It’s the structure of government that prevents anybody from seizing all the power. Once that happens,

Hyperinflation and the cowardice of business in SA


History shows that hyperinflation, although associated with money printing and high debt levels, is not caused by these conditions but rather the collapse of confidence