Hate speech and homosexuality


The folly of our hate speech laws was demonstrated by recent court cases against Julius Malema, for threats and insults, and Jon Qwelane for condemning

Going nowhere


There’s always a risk of making too much of small details, of freighting them with larger meanings they perhaps can’t possibly carry. But the moment

The madness of race classification


The madness of race politics in South Africa was once again brought to the fore this week when it emerged that a coloured man in

Narrative, narrative, narrative: where does the truth lie?


Tell a lie once and all your truth becomes questionable – Harsh Sinha The protests that followed the murder of George Floyd, a black man,

South African Guide to the U.S. election 2020


Many political junkies across the world have eagerly marked 4 November on their calendars, when we will finally begin to get results from this year’s

The madness of race classification


The madness of race politics in South Africa was once again brought to the fore this week when it emerged that a coloured man in

Narrative, narrative, narrative: where does the truth lie?


Tell a lie once and all your truth becomes questionable – Harsh Sinha The protests that followed the murder of George Floyd, a black man,

South African Guide to the U.S. election 2020


Many political junkies across the world have eagerly marked 4 November on their calendars, when we will finally begin to get results from this year’s

Feel like you’ve been here before: heavy metal, the ANC and how things seem doomed to repeat themselves


As a teenager, I went through a ‘metal’ phase. That is, for a few months I gunned Iron Maiden records and really wanted to grow


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 9th October 768 – Carloman I and Charlemagne are crowned kings of