South Africa’s departing elites: a critical warning sign


The past decade has seen a rapid decline in the number of dollar millionaires living in South Africa. Not only does this represent a loss

Common purpose, social justice, and ambiguity


‘The rhetoric of hatred must be replaced with a call to action with common purpose.’ Branko Brkic, All we need is Hope, Daily Maverick (4

Without policy change, jobs will remain elusive


The dramatic collapse in South Africa’s employment numbers, announced by Stats SA last week, was hardly unexpected. But that some 2.2 million people lost their


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 4th October 1582 – The Gregorian Calendar is introduced by Pope Gregory

Without policy change, jobs will remain elusive


The dramatic collapse in South Africa’s employment numbers, announced by Stats SA last week, was hardly unexpected. But that some 2.2 million people lost their


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 4th October 1582 – The Gregorian Calendar is introduced by Pope Gregory

Unwarranted media rejection of the DA difference


This week the Financial Times (FT) in London joined the South African media’s chorus of condemnation for the decision by the Democratic Alliance (DA) to

Unwarranted media rejection of the DA difference


This week the Financial Times (FT) in London joined the South African media’s chorus of condemnation for the decision by the Democratic Alliance (DA) to

Nedlac: Protector of Big Business and Big Labour


Much of the reason why South Africa is locked in a low-growth high-unemployment trap is the ‘social partnership’ between organised big business, big unions, and

Nedlac: Protector of Big Business and Big Labour


Much of the reason why South Africa is locked in a low-growth high-unemployment trap is the ‘social partnership’ between organised big business, big unions, and