Clicks: Losing all sense of proportion


That the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) should have seized upon the Clicks hair advertisement to showcase their propensity for violence was only to be expected.

Clicks: Losing all sense of proportion


That the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) should have seized upon the Clicks hair advertisement to showcase their propensity for violence was only to be expected.

Paralysis by corruption – the ANC’s dilemma


Here’s a question for you. Who said the following? ‘The ANC is pained immensely by stories of corruption. We are highly conscious of the damage

Trump, wildfires, and climate change


President Trump has embarrassed me again. Visiting California to see the damage done by the devastating wildfires, he said they were not caused by climate

Trump, wildfires, and climate change


President Trump has embarrassed me again. Visiting California to see the damage done by the devastating wildfires, he said they were not caused by climate

We are owed nothing


A bizarre social media episode this week reflects a broader South African malady which risks condemning us to mediocrity for the foreseeable future, with little

Why the LGBTQ electorate should not be ignored


The LGBTQ electorate may be a more significant and dynamic voting bloc than many expect. South Africa is fast approaching the next five-yearly municipal elections,

Filling ANC election kitty the only real ‘emergency’


One simple factor explains ninety percent of African National Congress (ANC) government decisions – it is PCP, or Positive Corruption Potential. Power generation is a

We are owed nothing


A bizarre social media episode this week reflects a broader South African malady which risks condemning us to mediocrity for the foreseeable future, with little

Why the LGBTQ electorate should not be ignored


The LGBTQ electorate may be a more significant and dynamic voting bloc than many expect. South Africa is fast approaching the next five-yearly municipal elections,