
This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 8th September 1966 – The landmark American science fiction television series, Star

Three key reforms to kick-start recovery


There will be no easy recovery from the economic catastrophe the governing African National Congress (ANC) has inflicted on South Africa through destructive policies, maladministration,

Eskom’s deep bind and the drag on the SA economy


When Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter suspended the managers of two power stations last week for apparently not doing their jobs properly, it was national

In praise of smugglers


The Covid-19 lockdown provided opportunities for enterprising people to circumvent the often irrational bans on everything from can openers to cigarettes. By doing so, they

Some neat rejoinders to the modern-day McCarthyism of the Left


How about that? Several media outlets are outraged at the announcement last month by Facebook that it will remove ‘dangerous’ material put up by ‘anarchist

Speak gently to the mass murderer


My blood turned to ice whenever I heard the very gentle reproaches recently spoken against Comrade President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe. The gentlest come

We, the invisibles


If anyone is holding their breath in expectation of swift action against senior African National Congress (ANC) politicians tainted by corruption, they should probably sooner

Shenzhen – where China’s economic miracle began


In 1980, Shenzhen was an unimportant fishing village adjacent to Hong Kong’s new territories. Its population was 30 000. Today, Shenzhen on a per capita

A different approach to the ‘township economy’


In South African government circles, there has been a lot of talk about the township economy. Part of this interest at the national level, is

Command Council charades


Covid-19 has peaked and much of the lockdown has been lifted. That is the good news. The bad news is that fabrications have been used