Policy key to recovery


‘SA on the wrong side of recovery hopes’. So reads the headline of a recent piece by Claire Bisseker in the Financial Mail. Setting out


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 23rd of August 30 BC – After the successful invasion of Egypt,

Paving the way for a land-grab free-for-all


In a judgment handed down on Tuesday this week, the Cape Town high court issued an interim interdict barring the City of Cape Town from

Inclusive Growth II: roll out the broadband and be agile


South Africa has been waiting for over a decade for more broadband spectrum to be assigned on a long-term basis to network operators. This will

The tyranny of context-free numbers


Every day, we get an update on Covid-19 cases and deaths. Or we hear about police having confiscated this many items of contraband. Without context,

Challenges facing the children of the ‘woke’


What kind of children are ‘woke’ parents breeding?  Misfits?  Guilt-ridden vegans?  Rebels?   The wokest of the woke will leave the sex column of their

SA’s 1980s moment: when leaders must be made to follow


Twice this past week, in publications that could never be accused of being opponents of the African National Congress (ANC), direct comparisons were made between

Will the rand survive?


One edifice of the South African state has survived the African National Congress’s (ANC) wrecking ball. Since the ANC came to power, there has been

Good ideals gone bad or bad ideals made good?


The corruption endemic in the African National Congress (ANC) today demands a rethinking of what the organization was in the past, however imperfect such rethinking

How the ANC systematically destroyed corruption-busting in SA


On 4 August 2020, the national executive committee (NEC) of the African National Congress (ANC) ‘called upon the ANC-led government [to] urgently establish a permanent