Doing things differently – again, again, and again


South Africa’s leaders are given to invoking religion to explain or to justify themselves. As South Africans tend to see themselves as religious and God-fearing


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 18th July 1994 – Rwandan genocide: The Rwandan Patriotic Front takes control

Save Stats SA, not SAA


Statistics South Africa faces an existential threat called “Covid-19”, but really the threat is older and deeper. Here are some practical examples of why we

A New SAA: The Fallacy of Sunk Costs and Ideology


The business rescue of SAA has been a prolonged and tortuous process over the past six months. That is largely due to the government wanting

Boeta Dippenaar is correct: all lives matter


The Black Lives Matter movement is about a lot more than its name implies. Even on the surface, however, its key premise is not supported

Trump’s Mt Rushmore speech was right about the Left


According to The Economist, Donald Trump’s speech at Mount Rushmore to mark American Independence Day ‘sought to inflame a culture war centered on race’. The

Liberal pushback now


I’m a vulnerable so I’ve been at home, not even going out to shop, for even longer than the official lockdown. Despite a lurking fear

The ANC does not trust South Africans


Under lockdown, can a married couple sit down in a restaurant and have a glass of wine with their meal? In England, yes. In South

Don’t kid yourself: taking the knee is just too easy


At a time when distant events are brought to us with such immediacy that we feel they are happening to us and that we must

Why ‘Stop Hate For Profit’ campaign is no joke


The self-righteous anger being expressed over Facebook’s refusal to comply with the ‘social justice’ industry’s demands would be amusing if it weren’t so illiberal. Writing