Smoking ban violates human dignity


South Africa’s lockdown has been lauded and condemned as one of the strictest and longest in the world. Possibly the most controversial aspect of this

Some black lives are more equal than others


What if the people who killed Collins Khosa in Alexandra township on 10th April had been white? We all know what would have happened. There

Not Easy: Donald Trump’s Attempt to Restructure the G7


American Dispatch is a new monthly feature from Barry Wood, an American journalist who for over two decades was the chief economics correspondent for Voice

When the rage subsides


When the global rage over the death in the United States of George Floyd subsides, as it will when life goes back to ‘normal’, it

Black Lives Don’t Matter to “Black Lives Matter”


Nothing has done more harm to black Americans this century than “Black Lives Matter”. This sinister movement cares nothing about black welfare but is obsessed

Voluntary association could be the tonic SA needs


You never lose your rights. Someone may violate them, but it is impossible to take them away from you, as every socialist has come to

The real Cyril stood up, unfortunately


On Friday 5 June, Cyril Ramaphosa, in his capacity as president of the African National Congress (ANC), spoke at the virtual launch of the ANC’s

Cape independence is feasible – an open letter to John Steenhuisen


‘That which purifies us is trial, and trial is by what is contrary’ John Milton, Areopagitica (1644) Counterpoint, a new occasional feature on the Daily

Could this be South Africa’s turning point?


Particular moments in history are imbued with special importance. These are what we might describe as turning points, crossroads or watersheds. Occurring as these do

Why the IRR is warning the IMF about ANC’s bad policy choices


In the absence of meaningful reform, any help given to the South African government will only sustain the hardship South Africans have endured for at